March 23, 2022 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Hearing Aids News
Some people think that once you start wearing a hearing aid, you’ll be able to hear anything, anywhere, and anytime. But this is not the case. A hearing aid is an aid, something to assist you to hear better. But in the end, it is an electronic device that is better than your unaided normal […]
March 16, 2022 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Hearing Aids News
How To Keep Your Hearing Aids In Good Working Order You’ve bought a hearing aid, you wear it faithfully every day. But do you remember to take care of it? Do you know what to do if it suddenly stops working? Here are 4 things you can do to keep your hearing aid in good […]
March 11, 2022 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Hearing Aids News
There are several different styles or sizes of hearing aids. However, there are two styles that are sold more commonly than any of the others. Today I would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the two most common styles of hearing aids. The “RIC” Or Receiver-In-Canal Hearing Aid The most commonly purchased […]
Most people may not have heard the term, but they probably are familiar with the condition. Presbycusis is the technical/medical term for an age-related hearing loss. In fact, hearing loss is the third most common chronic health complaint among older adults (heart disease and arthritis being numbers 1 and 2 respectively). Our audiologist has years of […]
Have To Turn The TV Volume Louder Some of the newer thin-screen TVs don’t have the best sound quality. But if you are having to turn up the volume louder than you used to, and especially if people are complaining that the TV is too loud, you might have a hearing problem. Have To Ask […]
Most hearing losses occur gradually over time. We notice that we start to have problems hearing certain voices or in certain situations. We might start asking people to repeat. Family or friends may start to make comments about it. Slowly we become aware that we are not hearing as well as we used to. However, […]
February 10, 2022 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Tinnitus Articles
Tinnitus is a noise generated within the ear that only you can hear (in extremely rare cases is it audible to another person). Tinnitus is actually a rather common occurrence. Occasional, brief bursts of ringing in the ear are completely normal. It’s like a muscle twitch that we get sometimes in our eyelid or a […]
February 10, 2022 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Tinnitus Articles
You’ve noticed that you have been hearing some sort of sound in your ear. It might be a ringing, a buzzing, a roaring, sound like water running, crickets, locusts, or even your pulse. What is it? And what can you do about it? All of the types of noise mentioned above fall into the category […]
October 12, 2021 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Hearing Aids News
Besides the obvious difference in price, there is a huge difference in a device purchased from an Audiologist and one purchased from a drug store or even online. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Hearing aids are sound-amplifying devices designed to aid people who have a hearing impairment.” Most hearing aids share several […]
October 12, 2021 | Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC | Hearing Aids News
Hearing aids are wonderful devices that have tremendously improved over the last several years. However, sometimes people think that hearing aids are a miracle cure for hearing loss or that because someone is wearing a hearing aid they should be able to hear everything around them, no matter how loud the background noise is or […]